Directed by Naomi Kawase, this movie tells of an endearing story about a struggling baker who hires a 76 year old woman and was pleasantly surprised how her skill and love for making dorayaki pastry (a specialty in Japan) helps his business thrive. (Japanese with English subtitles; 113 minutes; Rated PG)
Chosen as the "Best way to culturally globe-trot on Friday nights" by Diablo Magazine, the San Ramon Friday Foreign Film Series returns in February 2025. This year the series will focus on foreign cinema directed by women with films from China, India, Japan and Republic of Kosovo.
Each screening will be followed by a group conversation led by a moderator.
Presented by the San Ramon Arts Foundation.
Each screening will be followed by a group conversation led by a moderator.
Presented by the San Ramon Arts Foundation.
Tickets go on sale for the public Friday, November 15, 2024 at
Date & Time
Friday, February 7th 2025
7:00 PM - 9:30 PM
7:00 PM - 9:30 PM
Event Location
Dougherty Station Community Arts Center
17011 Bollinger Canyon Rd
San Ramon, CA 94582